To the Next Generation

This week, Senquip attended Newcastle Tech Futures. After talking to what felt like a thousand students, we were left feeling incredibly inspired and confident that the next generation of engineers is exceptionally enthusiastic and ready to shape the future.

We were asked many times about how to apply for a job, and what we were looking for in a candidate.  Our message to the students was very simple. We look for passion. Your qualification gets you in the door, but what excites you will win you the job. At Senquip, we make things. It is hard but to the right candidate it is very rewarding.  I asked a student what he did outside of study – his face lit up as he pointed to his cap with a Raspberry PI logo on it. That is the student we are looking for.

Not everyone will get excited about electronics and software and that is ok. There are jobs for everyone. Before you start looking however, work out your passion.  Don’t send the same resume to dozens of companies. Start your covering letter with a statement that expresses your passion “I am applying for a position at XYZ company because I’m fascinated about the process of smelting iron and would like to learn more about it.”

If you don’t have a passion, that likely just means you haven’t been exposed to it yet. Get out there, talk to people, attend expos like this one and you will find it. Again, so excited to have met so many young, inspiring engineers in the making. Well done to you all.