Industrial Automation

advantages in Industrial AUTOMATION

Connect to Anything

Senquip devices connect to almost all industrial sensors, whether they be Modbus, RS232, RS485, Open CAN, voltage, 4-20mA, frequency, Bluetooth or more.

Solutions can be powered by AA batteries, solar, or 10-75V DC with measurement and transmit intervals being configurable between 5 seconds and days, allowing for power supply optimisation. A built-in booster allows sensors to be powered through the night in solar applications, eliminating the need for an external battery.

Process Everything

Users can write their own scripts that run remotely on the Senquip device, allowing for interface with complex sensors, manipulation of measurements, creating of complex alerts, and local control algorithms to be implemented.

Customisation of data packets allows for simple integration with preferred dashboards like Ubidots, Cumulocity, Eagle.IO, ThingsBoard and more.

Send Anywhere

The Senquip Portal provides a no cost or low cost data viewing, storage, and configuration platform. Create your own graphical widgets and complex charts, and add buttons to remotely control devices.

If you prefer your own dashboard, Senquip devices can send data directly to any HTTP, or MQTT endpoint securely with no ongoing costs. Alternatively retrieve data from the Senquip Portal via the Senquip REST API.

Trusted Everywhere

Senquip devices are designed to operate in hot, dusty, and wet environments typical of industrial, mining, and utilities applications. All our devices are made from UV resistant, flame retardant glass filled nylon, and are IP67 rated.

We monitor and control systems across Australia and the world.

POPULAR Automation Applications

Lots of companies focus on water level, Senquip monitors everything else.


Rainfall statistics, flood warnings, dam and river levels, flow. Control remote valves, pumps, and signs.

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Start and stop control, fuel level, engine hours, flow rate, pressure, cavitation, and metering.

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Chemical Dosing

Measure water quality and control dosing systems. Check chemical levels and warn for tamper.

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Measure energy generated and used, monitor and control systems, based on electricity price.

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Tank Level

Monitor level, temperature, usage, flow, and check for theft. Control remote valves and pumps.

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electric towers during golden hour

Air Quality

Monitor for environmental dust, pollen, and gas in cities and on farms.

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Gas Detection

Check for emissions from disused mines and wells. Monitor water levels.

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Fuel Quality

Monitor for water, diesel bug and particulate contaminants.

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Control pumps and pivots. Monitor water level and usage.

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Water Quality

Monitor pH levels, oxygen saturation and more. Detect checmical spills.

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Contact us

Senquip Pty Ltd

Unit 3, 29 Shearwater Drive,
Taylors Beach, NSW 2316,